High Fructose Corn Syrup. Corn Flakes. Corn Dogs. All made from corn, but are they dangerous to your health? Surely corn flakes and corn dogs, that you kids and others have been eating forever, and we're told they are nutritious couldn't be wrong...could they? You will have a chance to decide that a little later for yourself.
Omega-6 is and important fatty acid in you body that performs and important function...when it's in balance with Omega-3 and other nutrients and enzymes in your body. But when you consider that 60 years ago the Omega-6 ratio to Omega-3 in your body was 2:1, this was good. If you also consider that we were healthier, that the incidence of diabetes and obesity were not at epidemic levels as they are today, you may begin to see a trend.
First off, the ratio of Omega-6 fatty acids to Omega-3 fatty acids in the typical diet in America today is an average of 20:1! Compare that to 60 years ago. Now do you see a danger? So when High Fructose Corn Syrup that is used as a sweetener in nearly every drink you can imagine, and some you can't, with a ratio of 46:1 Omega-6 to Omega-3. So even though there are traces of Omega-3 in HFCS, it is so finite that it is the same as useless in balancing out the effects of Omega-6 in your body.
Keep in mind that this ratio refers only to the amount of Omega-3 present in HFCS, not how it represents itself in your body. The greater point is, it's just one of many sources consumed unconsciously on a daily basis where HFCS is present, and you don't even realize. It was recently discovered that on what was presumed to be a popular vitamin drink for teens, the HFCS was changed to crystalline fructose to attempt avoidance of detection as HFCS.
And clinical studies have found that the Omega-6 in corn oil used in bakery products have the capacity to activate cancer producing hormones and enzymes, shown to be a common denominator in colon, breast and prostate cancers. This is the very thing Omega-3 fatty acids can prevent when in balance in your body.
Corn and corn products COMMERCIALLY processed (not your corn on the cob out of the garden) do not do any favors to your body. As always is wise, read the labels of ALL the foods you buy, because it doesn't stop with just sodas or sweet drinks.
Look for grass fed meats of all kinds, and fish caught in the wild. Use olive oils, vegetables that naturally lack Omega-6, and juices and drinks that are naturally sweetened from the fruits themselves or with natural sweeteners like Stevia. It's not just the corn, but it's a big start in the right direction.
In conclusion, Omega-3 fatty acids found in fish oil supplements taken on a daily basis can help to reverse so many of the poor health conditions you currently experience. The reduction of foods containing high amounts of Omega-6 fatty acids such as all grain-feed animals, common vegetable oils, prepared meals, processed foods, dairy products and farm-raised fish, will make a huge difference in your over-all health.
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